Monday 4 August 2014

PEOPLE - Faces and Facets

Whenever my mind is not busy in generating any productive thoughts (which is very often), my philosophical mind jumps in action fiddling with some random thoughts. I start reasoning about the things happening in my surrounding, people perambulating around and so on. I start studying faces of people and try to guess what is going on in their mind. Not that I am good at face-reading or something, but it is always fun to do such exercises and keep your brain busy in free time.
            The best time to enjoy doing such weird things is when you are in a crowded place, surrounded by people of all sorts and strata. When I am in court, donning the black coat, absorbing the heat and waiting for the lift to help me traverse from one floor to the other, instead of getting irritated for the long wait, I glance at the faces of people-lawyers, judges, police, clients and people accompanying them. Some are sad that they have to go through a robe routine and it is just another day for them. Some are always pumped with energy because they are ultimately doing what they like to do. Others think that this way or that, they have to earn bread for their family so why not by doing this work. Some have plain, insipid faces without any reason. 
When the police are taking away some criminals, those criminals too, are of assorted expressions. There are a few hardened criminals who carry the “to hell with the world, I will not change” attitude on their face. Then there are those who, even in their worst nightmares had never imagined that they would land up in jail some day and hence carry a guilt-laden face. Handful others are as shameless while being whisked away by the police as they were during the commitment of crime for which they are being tried. People accompanying these criminals wear only one expression-of being helpless and hapless. Apart from court there are number of other places where we can study human psychology at its best and vivid angles.
“Scared”-was my instantaneous expression when long ago, as a child, I first saw local trains in Mumbai. I wondered how so many people lived in one city at one time and where does everyone have to go throughout the day since locals would always be occupied to the capacity. This curiosity awakened the ‘face reading genius’ in me. Suddenly the monstrous population started looking like an interesting puzzle to me. People were conveying various messages, quite involuntarily, through their face. There were those accepting life as it came and made full use of whatever little free time they could get and there were those dejected to see their fates oscillating in the local trains and then there were a few others who had mastered the art of contentedness with a statement “That’s life!”, stamped on their face. As I started observing people, travelling in a local had become enjoyable or at least tolerable. Since then it felt more like browsing through a library, each person an encyclopaedia in himself.   

There are many such places like our neighbourhood, social events, family functions where we can find umpteen species of a genre called ‘People’. So next time when you are surrounded by number of people and you don’t have any work you know what to do. But be watchful of your actions as someone else might also be studying your face and facets to your personality.

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