Tuesday 11 April 2017

The School Bag Theory

              When I was in school, I had known two types of students. One type was of those who were very particular in arranging their school-bags as per the time table and bring only the required amount of copies and books. The other type was of those students who carried all the books and copies every day, whether required or not. These students were lazy and never cared to arrange their bags neatly. Instead they preferred carrying the weight of unwanted things everywhere.
               As we grow up, the school bag is long forgotten. However, our habits remain unchanged. We like to carry the weight of undesirable things or the unarranged school bag with us all around. We all have our share of bitter-sweet experiences in life. We face hardships, we have our own struggle stories, our ups and downs. But the worst part is that we keep on ranting over those issues for ages. The clutter of these negative thoughts fills up our mind, leaving no space for positivity or good things.  
  When we were in school, we found it easy to run from one corner to the other when the school bag was light or there was no school bag on the back. But with the heavy one, we would simply drag our feet down the path. The School Bag Theory in practical life is as simple as this.
               Life can be much easier if we learn to de-clutter our mind. Somebody was arrogant to you, somebody did not live up to your expectations, you were not invited for a certain party, you could not succeed in a particular assignment; the list of things that upset us can be endless. However, there is no point if we keep mulling over those things. It will take us to nowhere. On the contrary, it creates divide. We need to remove the old, stale, rotten negative thoughts that can be poisonous for our physical as well as mental health.
                It is irrational to depend on others to help us ease out our load because each person is trying to manage his or her own load. As a matter of fact, it is a common human tendency to shift our load on someone else’s shoulder at the earliest possible opportunity. Things would be much more beautiful if instead of shifting the load, we threw the garbage of unwanted stuff away. But everyone is too busy and instead prefers letting the stock pile up in the mind.
                Life is a journey and we are the travelers. Carrying an unwanted load will make the journey unpleasant and troublesome. So, if we wish to enjoy the journey, we must understand that the load has to be unburdened. Travelling light is the key to making the journey unforgettable. We must enjoy and revel in the happy and light moments that life offers us from time to time.

               From now on, do not forget to arrange your school bag from time to time, avoid the burden and enjoy a peaceful life.